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Coronavirus (COVID-19) Statements 

Important Notices:



Dear friends,

We re-opened the studio in line with government guidelines re COVID-19 on 7th September 2020, as well as continuing our online offerings.

Following the update to government guidelines on 22nd September, we would just like to reassure all our lovely community that we are able to continue operating from the Space as we are providing exercise classes which are exempted from the "Rule of 6". 

For further reassurance, here is a small reminder of all the measures we have put in place for your safety during this unprecedented situation:

•    We need everyone to bring their own mat and any props, such as straps/belts, blankets, bolster/cushions, etc, as these will not be available in the studio currently. We are providing some items for sale to help facilitate this.
•    The studio is being deep cleaned regularly. Touchable surfaces/touch points is being cleaned before and after every class.
•    2 metre distance is enforced between mats (marked places) and there are restricted numbers in all classes, to ensure social distancing.

•    All classes must be booked in advance online or on our Wix app, to ensure numbers aren't exceeded. 

•    Payment for classes will only be online to minimise potential contamination from cash. Equipment purchases in studio must be made by debit card.

•    No entry is granted with any of the following symptoms (cough, fever, loss of, or change in, sense of smell or taste, sore throat, headache) and these questions are being asked at each entry.
•    Hand wash/sanitiser will be available in the studio, and must be used on entry to the studio. 

•    The changing room is closed, and we ask everyone to arrive ready for class, with minimal bags etc, other than what they need for class, to reduce likely routes of transmission.

•    We are retaining appropriate information to facilitate Track & Trace as required by recent legislation.
•    We continue to adhere to industry best practice and government rules for our social distancing policy, which is mandatory at all Space to Move classes. This means, as teachers, we will not be using hands-on adjustments during classes/workshops.

•    We are providing additional ventilation, with the studio doors being opened before and after classes, and during where weather permits. We are also encouraging use of only moderate breathing exercises (pranayama).

•    We have provided clear notices for teachers to follow to ensure all the above measures are followed.

We hope this clarifies the current situation for you, and as always, we will continue to be pro-active in looking after our fantastic Space To Move community, so stay up to date with us via our Newsletters and social media (Facebook and Instagram).

Please continue to stay safe, and put your physical and mental health and wellbeing at the forefront of all you do.

Louise & Jules



Dear friends,

We are still abiding by government guidelines re COVID-19 and the studio remains closed for face to face classes but we are delighted to announce some pop-up outdoor face to face yoga classes starting next week, as well as continuing our online offerings. Details are available on this website at and on social media (Facebook and Instagram). Booking for the face to face classes is essential and places are limited to 5 for the time being.

We will of course be opening back in the Space as soon as we can, taking government guidelines into account. Please subscribe to our Newsletters in order to ensure you hear from us with the latest updates.

Please continue to stay safe and stay in touch and we look forward to being together with you again as soon as it is possible.

Louise & Jules



Dear friends,

We are continuing to monitor the COVID-19 situation and the studio remains closed for face to face classes but we are successfully running our online offering so that you can still enjoy some yoga with Space To Move. More details of this are available on this website at and on social media (Facebook and Instagram). Please also see for details about how to book and join these classes.

We will of course be opening back in the Space as soon as we can, taking government guidelines into account. Please subscribe to our Newsletters in order to ensure you hear from us with the latest updates.

We are committed to maintaining a service to you, as we feel that now more than ever the benefits of yoga, meditation and movement are vitally important to our well-being and we want to continue to support our Space To Move community. Do please seek support from us when you need it. Keep practicing, live online with us or for yourselves to tap into the inner strengths that keep us steady, calm and loving.

Please accept all our good wishes for your health and well-being during this challenging time, and we look forward to being together with you again as soon as it is possible.

Louise & Jules




Dear friends,

We have continued to monitor the COVID-19 situation and the studio remains closed for face to face classes but we are successfully running our online offering so that you can still enjoy some yoga with Space To Move. More details of this are available on this website at and on social media (Facebook and Instagram). Please also see for details about how to book and join these classes.

Where events have been postponed we are holding your bookings over until such time as we can re-schedule the event. Ideally we would prefer not to have to organise refunds at this stage. We have a wonderful community around Space To Move and hope that you will continue to support us during this difficult time, and might consider, where possible, not asking for refunds in order to protect our future. However, if your own financial circumstances are under stress at this time we will, of course, refund. Please email us if this is the case.

We are committed to maintaining a service to you, as we feel that now more than ever the benefits of yoga, meditation and movement are vitally important to our well-being. We continue to have full access to emails, social media and our wix app for messages and we will be looking into other ways in which we can support our Space To Move community and remain connected to you all during this isolating experience. Do please seek support from us when you need it. Keep practicing, live online with us or for yourselves to tap into the inner strengths that keep us steady, calm and loving.

Please accept all our good wishes for your health and well-being during this challenging time, and we look forward to being together with you again as soon as it is possible.

Louise & Jules




Dear friends,

We have been closely monitoring the COVID-19 situation and after recent developments we are following the government advice to minimise social contact where possible.
From today, and until further notice, we have taken the decision to stop all face to face classes at Space To Move.

To ensure social distancing during this challenging time, we are developing an online offering so that you can still enjoy some yoga with Space To Move. More details of this will be available on our website and on social media (Facebook and Instagram) as soon as we are set up and have class times scheduled. We aim to make these accessible using the existing website and app booking system.

Where events are having to be postponed we will hold your bookings over until such time as we can re-schedule the event. Ideally we would prefer not to have to organise refunds at this stage. We have a wonderful community around Space To Move and hope that you will continue to support us during this difficult time, and might consider, where possible, not asking for refunds in order to protect our future. However, if your own financial circumstances are under stress at this time we will, of course, refund. Please email us if this is the case.

We are committed to maintaining a service to you, as we feel that now more than ever the benefits of yoga, meditation and movement are vitally important to our well-being. But in light of the developing position, it is vital that we all remain as risk-free as possible - the best interests and well-being of our clients is our top priority. We continue to have full access to emails, social media and our wix app for messages and we will be looking into other ways in which we can support our Space To Move community and remain connected to you all during this isolating experience. Do please seek support from us when you need it. Keep practicing for yourselves to tap into the inner strengths that keep us steady, calm and loving.

Thank you too for your patience and understanding during these uncertain times. We appreciate this is a fast moving, evolving situation and we will keep you up to date with any further support we are able to provide.

Please accept all our good wishes for your health and well-being during this challenging time, and we look forward to being together with you again as soon as it is possible.

Louise & Jules

​© 2018 Space to Move

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